Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

history of kebumen city

The name reputedly comes from kabumian Kebumen which means as a residence Kyai Earth after breakout areas used Mangkubumi PangeranBumidirja or Prince of Mataram on June 26, 1677, during the reign of Sunan Amangkurat I. Previously, this area was recorded in the map of national history as one of the milestones patriotic soldiers in the raid at the time of Sultan Agung of Mataram into the Dutch fortress at 
Batavia. It was still called Panjer Kebumen.
One of his great-grandson of Prince Senopati Good Bodronolo whichborn in the village Karanglo, Panjer, at the request of Ki Suwarno,Mataram envoys who served as a logistics officer,managed to collect food from the people in this area withstreet buying. The success of a large granary meansfor soldiers Mataram, in appreciation of Sultan Agung, Ki Suwarnosubsequently appointed as Regent Panjer, while Good Bodronoloparticipate were sent to Batavia as soldiers guard the food.
January 1, 2003 or a hundred years later, the predicate barnsmainstay in the southern Central Java does not escape from this region,disrupted despite the severe floods in 2000and 2001. At the very least, the surplus rice stocks 100 to 150 thousandtons annually, capable of making it one crutch food stockin Kedu and Banyumas.
How the description of the achievement of regional development gaitthis until the end of 2002, according to the Regional Secretary (Secretary) Kebumen,Suroso SH, barometer on various outstanding progress insectors of basic services for society, namely education,health and housing and infrastructure areas (kimpraswil). i.

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